Why Bulgaria
Macroeconomic stability:
Political and economic stability
Sustained GDP growth of 4.7-4.9 % per year
NATO membership achieved in 2004
EU membership set for 1 January 2007
Very competitive labor cost compared to the rest of Europe
Very competitive tax regime - 15% corporate profit tax as of 1 January 2005
Well educated, highly trained English speaking workforce
Strategic geographic location
Full national treatment of foreign investment
Top tourist destination:
Bulgaria voted No. 4 tourist destination worldwide by The Washington Post
22% average annual growth of tourist arrivals for 2002 – 2004
43% year-on-year increase in British tourists for 2003
Well developed and constantly improving summer resorts
Excellent skiing opportunities with guaranteed winter snowfall
Unbeatable prices guaranteeing best value for money holidays
1600 thermal mineral water springs
Rich historical and cultural heritage
Easy access from Europe
Booming real estate sector:
25% price growth in the last 12 months
Still lowest real estate prices in Europe
Strong year round corporate letting market in Sofia
Dramatic increase in demand for quality accommodation at Bulgarian resorts
Strong drive for property purchase from Bulgarians living abroad
Bulgaria on the agenda of top European real estate investment funds
Bulgarian Property
Bulgarian properties for sale
Houses for sale in Bulgaria
Rural Property in Bulgaria
For more information or inquiries do not hesitate to contact us:
+359 885841230;
+359 887762939
Fax: +359 478 88470;
Office Bourgas address:
87, Aleksandrovska, Str., floor 3, Burgas, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 56 900176
Mob: +359 885841230;
+359 887762939
bourgas city

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Why Bulgaria
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