Bourgas airport
Aeronautical information
Operational hours - 24 h
Distance and direction from the city - 10 km North-East of the city centre
Elevation - 41 m
AD reference temperature - 28оС
Magnetic deviation - 4оЕ
Postal address - Bourgas Airport
Telegraphic address (AFTN) - LB BG YD YX
Medical facilities - 24 h
Transportation available - 24 h
Cargo handling facilities - yes
Technical services - yes
Emergency, rescue and fire fighting - yes, (cat. VII according to ICAO)
Veterinary supervision, immigration, customs - 24 h
Surfaced with reinforced concrete in 1982
Lenght - 3200 m
Width - 45 m
Shoulders - 2x5 m
Stopway - 2x60 m
Strenght - PCN 60//R/B/X/T
Width - 22.5 m
Shoulders - 2х10 m
Strenght - PCN 60/R/B/X/T
Ground area (At breakdown)
Lenght - 2 900 m
Width - 100 m
Radar - ATCR - 33 “SELENIA”
Navigation - ILS cat. III, according to ICAOVOR/DME/NDB
Lighting system - D2 cat. II, according to ICAOALPA ATA/PAPI
Meteo system - automatic meteorological system VAISALA
Birth strike system
Meteorological data
January temperature
max + 7.3о С
min - 0.8о С
July temperature
max + 26.1о С
min + 15,0о С
January mean pressure
max - 1004.5 НРа
min - 1003.7 НРа
July mean pressure
max - 994.3 НРа
min - 993.1 НРа
January absolute humidity
max - 6.1 g/m
min - 5.3 g/m
July absolute humidity
max - 18.8 g/m
min - 18.4 g/m
Visibility - average for the last 15 years
below 400 м - 1 day in the year
400-800 м - 2 days in the year
800-1000 м - 3 days in the yea
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For more information or inquiries do not hesitate to contact us:
+359 885841230;
+359 887762939
Fax: +359 478 88470;
Office Bourgas address:
87, Aleksandrovska, Str., floor 3, Burgas, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 56 900176
Mob: +359 885841230;
+359 887762939
bourgas city

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