Bulgarian properties for sale
Bulgarian Houses for sale and Land for sale in Bulgaria Apartments for sale in Bulgaria 1-bedroom apartments Apartments for sale in Bulgaria 2-bedroom apartments Commercial property for salel Forest for sale in Bulgaria Garages for sale and rent Hotels for sale - investments in Bulgaria Houses - for sale and renovation Land for sale, plots for sale Apartments for sale in Bulgaria - large apartments Spartments for sale in Bulgaria - maisonettes Offices Restaurants Shops Studios
Prices for Bulgaria Property £10,250 to £175,000. The Property Market in Bulgaria there is no denying the effect the EU is expansion is having on countries like Bulgaria. Property prices here have been rising by more than 30 per cent per annum is one of the highest rates in the world. Although predictions for 2006 vary, rates are likely to be around three times higher than in countries like Italy or France. The cost of living remains low, but is expected to start balancing out once the country joins the EU in 2007, to reflect a new but fully fledged market economy. Bulgaria has some of the cheapest property in Europe.
New investment developments are indicative of the directions the tourist industry is taking: skiing, and beach holidays. Bulgaria is certainly the cheapest country in Europe for new ski accommodation, which ranges from £20,000 to £40,000. The Black Sea coast is witnessing a large swathe of construction, but developments tend to be kinder to the landscape than in certain corners of the Med. That said, there is a trade-off between getting your foot in the door and having to put up with the noise and eyesores of construction in progress. If you are looking to invest, bear in mind that resale and rental here are not exactly mature markets, and also that demand will be diluted once all these coastal construction projects are completed.
A third portion of the market is the rural home, particularly around the culturally rich cities of the interior like Plovdiv and Veliko Turnovo. It is still possible to find a fixer-upper for the price of a wide-screen TV, but sensibly speaking, you will want to spend in the region of £50,000 for a comfortable, well-renovated property in a good location. You may find yourself being tempted by one of the hotels or commercial concerns that are emerging onto the market in boom areas but bear in mind the possibility that they are being sold off because they were inopportune investments in the first place. For more information on property investment click here. And make sure you check out our property investment report and our property news section.
Bulgarian Property
Bulgarian properties for sale
Houses for sale in Bulgaria
Rural Property in Bulgaria
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87, Aleksandrovska, Str., floor 3, Burgas, Bulgaria
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